The featured arrangement, showcasing approximately 50 roses, is elegantly presented in the JLF long rectangle box. This carefully designed box, measuring 33 inches in length, not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the roses but also makes it the ideal choice for any occasion or home decor featuring a rectangular dining table. Elevate your space with this perfect arrangement, adding a touch of sophistication and charm to your surroundings.
Disclaimer: you
will get the arrangement featured unless substitution may need to be made based
on season, availability of flowers or other unforeseen or uncontrollable
circumstances. By making a purchase on this website, Customer authorizes
substitutions within a specific color palette. Necessary substitutions will be
at the designer’s discretion.
Arrangement includes:
- Fresh JLF Signature Roses
- JLF long rectangle box 33"L x 4"D x 4"H
- Care instructions
- Custom greeting card